Simplified Management, Monetization, and Global Integration.

Kontrol streamlines game management and monetization with seamless integrations, ensuring robust reporting and scalability.

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Game Engines

Kontrol effortlessly integrates with top game engines like Unity and Unreal, empowering developers to effortlessly manage game creation and monetization.

A game engine such as Unity or Unreal is a versatile toolkit for game creation, offering tools for designing characters, levels, sounds, and player interactions. It serves as a comprehensive guidebook, facilitating the development process with its array of features and resources.

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Business Center

Kontrol's business center offers developers robust banking and financial tools, backed by JP Morgan, streamlining their business operations effectively.


Kontrol partners with JPMorgan to offer developer bank accounts with branded cards and portals, boasting no monthly fees and lower transaction costs, while improving eligibility for loans and grants.

Firstbase logo

Kontrol's integration with First Base speeds up incorporation for new game studios, offering negotiated rates and quick access to banking and payment services on the platform.


Kontrol simplifies global game and commerce localization by integrating Crowdin, ensuring games connect with diverse audiences worldwide.

Crowdin Logo

Kontrol integrates with Crowdin for fast, location-based localization, simplifying collaboration with translators and ensuring rapid project completion.


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